VVBS conducts its lessons over Skype and/or Zoom.
A good quality camera. If we can’t see, we can’t correct.
A good quality sound system. Our students need to be able to hear us clearly.
A ballet Barre. Everything starts at the barre! We prefer something specifically designed for ballet, but we have had to take class holding on to various objects over the years. A chair, a counter top, DAD?
A ‘dance space’. The definition here varies. Obviously an actual studio is best, but we have trained students with a simple barre in their living room. As long as you can complete the exercises safely, we can work. More personal discussions about your ‘dance space’ are usually necessary.
A positive attitude and a desire to work hard and be better! This is the most important piece of equipment you have!
“I also saw the profound and positive impact they had on the students and other young dancers around them.”