
Sarah-Gabrielle Ryan

Dancer, Pacific Northwest Ballet, Former Student

Lauren and Francis Veyette have been two of my greatest artistic influencers and role models in this art form. After years of being inspired by them on the stage, I had the privilege of finishing my training under Francis. Not only do they both put emphasis on technique and artistry, but push their dancers to be versatile within all styles of ballet and to explore other forms of dance; that has been the most helpful experience in my professional career. I’m very grateful that I can count on them as my trusted advisors as I continue in this profession.


Michelle Chiaviano

Dancer, Gyrotonic and PBT Certified Teacher, Current Student

I have been a student of Francis Veyette for a year now and can honestly say that I have improved not only my technique but also my movement quality due to our private lessons. While training with Francis Veyette I have polished my technique, improved my footwork, strengthen the correct muscles, improved stamina, and most of all found enjoyment in my dancing. During my time as a student with Mr. Francis I have understood the importance of musicality, finishing every exercise, never settle for “third” position and always fight for the perfect “fifth” position. All this has been achieved due to his keen eye for detail, firm yet positive feed-back, and his constant encouragement to create my own artistic interpretation of the movement. 


Lauren Veyette is not only an amazing teacher but she is also one of the most humble dancers I have had the pleasure to meet and train with. She also happens to be one of my all time favorite ballerinas. During my time training with Lauren Veyette I have come to understand and correctly apply the Balanchine style. Her attention to detail has helped me improve my port de bras, my footwork, and most of all my newfound joy for ballet. As a dancer Lauren Veyette has the most impressive footwork whether on flat or with pointe shoes that is great to watch when she is demonstrating a combination during our private lessons. Personally, I am a visual learner so having her demonstrate has helped me improve my footwork as well as my desire to have clean and precise pointe work. I am very grateful to have met a ballerina and teacher that is so kind, relatable, and understanding.

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Michael Caye

Nevada Ballet Theater, Former Student

Francis was somebody that I looked up to as a teacher and role model. He worked with me closely during my time at the Miami City Ballet School and was always available, showing me how to constantly improve my technique. The way he explains how to partner was so beneficial to me as a male ballet dancer and he helped me become better in my partnering technique. Learning from Francis made me a better dancer which I believe helped me land my first professional contract.

Lauren Fadeley Veyette is a beautiful dancer and having the pleasure to see her dance on stage as well as in the studio inspired me to be a better dancer myself. Not only is her technique pristine, but she has beautiful stage presence as well. Having a teacher who is also still dancing is beneficial because she knows what the dancers are dealing with on a daily basis and uses her experience to help others learn.

Francis and Lauren are a “dynamic duo” who are great teachers and also great people. They definitely helped put me on the right path to success in ballet. They not only train but prepare you for a professional career. They give great advice, they have awesome experience and they pass their knowledge on to their students. They are simply the best!


Jeannie & Jerry Newton

Parents of VVBS Student Emery Newton

World-class dancers, world-class people.  While there is no substitute for local studio instruction, supplementing our daughter’s ballet training with the Veyette's practical insights has already paid dividends for her.  Utilizing available technology, we have turned a small space in our home into a dynamic virtual studio.  As parents, we benefit from less driving time, peace of mind that comes from observing lessons and being certain that your child is safe online with the Veyette's.  The child benefits from lessons that are tailored to them, less training interruptions, instant feedback and clear demonstrations of how to properly use muscles in every movement.  Mr. Francis and Miss Lauren are simply charming with a deep love for the art and history of ballet performance and training up future generations of starry-eyed dancers. 


Jacqueline Callahan

Corps de Ballet with Pennsylvania Ballet

Former Pennsylvania Ballet II, under Francis Veyette

Dancing under Francis’ direction allowed me to find my artistic voice and develop my sense of self expression. I came to him at the end of my training as a student, and he helped me take everything I had learned and turn it into professional level dancing. Francis identified specific areas of improvement in my technique, and pushed me to work at them. His unwavering persistence to fine tuning my technique shows his commitment to guiding young dancers. Francis continues to mentor me through my career, as well as my life. It is clear that he truly wants the best for each and every one of his students and for them to succeed. I have always looked up to Lauren as an example of grace and poise. As a dancer who is pursuing a college degree in addition to dancing, Lauren achieving this goal has also served as an inspiration. Training with Francis and Lauren will equip any dancer with the support, mentorship, and personal instruction they need to achieve their dreams of success in the dance world.


Durante Verzola

Freelance choreographer

Former dancer with The Suzanne Farrell Ballet

Former Pennsylvania Ballet II, under Francis Veyette

Francis was a mentor for me when I needed it the most. He gave me the confidence to be proud of the strengths I have as a dancer and artist, and to always stay true to myself. Francis invested in me, and never gave up on trying to help me improve. Not only does he delve into the intricacies of classical ballet technique and placement, he also holds his students to a high standard of moral excellence as young men and women. Francis often reminded myself and others to go about our careers with a sense of purpose, respect, and class. He leads by example by never losing his own sense of integrity for what he believes in. It was so important for Francis to empower me in this way. Witnessing Lauren’s unending and relentless work ethic was an impactful example for me as a young dancer. Her commitment to hard work in the studio leads to exciting and exuberant performances on the stage. This showed me that one should not rely on natural talent alone, and that drive and perseverance are everything. Francis and Lauren’s love and passion for ballet shines bright, and there is not a doubt in my mind that they will pass that on to any dancers who have the chance to learn from them.

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Beatrice Affron

Musical Director and Conductor, Pennsylvania Ballet

I am THRILLED that the Veyettes have decided to open their own online ballet school!  I was so fortunate to work with them both for many years at Pennsylvania Ballet.  During this time, I got to know them as wonderful artists and colleagues, but I also saw the profound and positive impact they had on the students and other young dancers around them.  This exciting new venture will allow them to share their tremendous understanding and artistry with a very fortunate generation of aspiring dancers!


Jonathan Chorney

15+ Year Subscriber at Pennsylvania Ballet and friend

As a subscriber and supporter of the Pennsylvania Ballet Company for more than 15 years, it has been my pleasure to get to know Francis Veyette as a dancer, Director of PA Ballet II and as a person.

In the highly competitive environment of dance, he is viewed with both respect and regard by the other dancers as well as the administrative staff.

Francis has consistently demonstrated the remarkable self-discipline and creative expression typical of dancers at his very high level. In addition, his well-developed communication skills and quick intellect have served him well both as a performer and in achieving a rapid and notably successful transition to the position of Director of PA Baller II with its attendant varied demands.

As Director, he has rapidly and significantly raised the performance level of the dancers and greatly expanded the visibility of Ballet II in the Philadelphia area and beyond. As a further example of his suitability for such a position, he has played a key role in creating a joint production of Ballet II and The Curtis Institute - the first collaborative effort between the two organizations.

Francis is also, from my experience with him, quite free of any pettiness or need for prominence in any undertaking. His secure sense of self allows for a comfortable and productive encounter on both sides with everyone from a young dancer to major donor.

Convinced as I am of his excellent character, I feel he would be of great value to any organization in search of someone manifesting the characteristics I have enumerated here.

Christine Cox

Christine Cox

Co-Founder, Artistic Director, BalletX

Francis Veyette and Lauren Fadley are two highly accomplished dancers and teachers. They have a wealth of experience and knowledge to share with beginner, intermediate and advanced ballet students. 


Vanessa Ryan

Mother of former student Sarah-Gabrielle Ryan

Francis Veyette was an accomplished dancer during his professional career, but not all great dancers are also great teachers. He happens to be both. He doesn't see his students as just "dancers" he cares about them as individuals and has an approach that isn't only about technique, but also about helping young dancers to navigate the dance world while staying focused and positive. Both Mr. Veyette and his wife, Lauren Fadeley, are excellent role models and mentors for aspiring dancers and young professionals.